2023 Source Book
Our 2023 Source Book is available for download here.
To receive a printed copy in the mail, please fill out a request here.
Onion sets by March 15th
Asparagus root by March 15th
Sweet potato slips by March 15th
We really appreciate your business and hope that our service meets your expectations. Since 2020 we
have seen a myriad of challenges in our industry. For 2023 we are expecting traditional fertilizer
pricing to continue to rise and the pesticides for crop production, as well as most of your other needed
supplies, to be on the increase.
If you are interested in a particular item that is marked out of stock, please call us at 844-357-6617 or email us at [email protected] for the most up-to-date information.
Progressive Grower cannot guarantee the prices listed on this website or in our 2023 Source Book.