Berger BM4 Natural Wood Fiber

Berger BM4 wood fiber 3.8 cubic foot bale

Berger BM4 Natural Wood Fiber


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Incubated pH = 5.4 – 6.2
A blend of Canadian sphagnum peat moss and eco-friendly NF Wood, this matrix of fibers creates a unique connective network that offers high water retention and ample air space for rapid root development.

  • Water reserve allows for additional time between irrigation.
  • All-natural and biodegradable main components.
  • Reduce handing with more yield per bag.
  • Consistent and uniform for predictable results.


  • Premium selected coarse-grade peat moss
  • Coarse-grade wood fiber
  • Dolomitic and calcitic limestone
  • Non-ionic wetting agent
  • Standard fertilizer starter charge